Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring time at the ranch..Still awaiting the flowers & vegitation though... we're about a month to a month and a half behind the low-lands.. But, started the clean-up around the place.. Sharon's Russian Sage is starting & the Pampas Grass is showing signs of life.. The Rose Bushes have actually survived this year.. What with a rather mild winter & the herds of deer traversing the property ( the Elk leave mostly alone ).. We researched a little this winter & are going to try and plant some annuals that the critters don'tr like to "munch" on.. Also going to plant some additional Juniper.. The ones we've got are really doing great.. Looking forward to the long week-end.. Hope you all have great times with your families.... ( Sounds like I get a lot of traffic on this site.... don't it.... "WRONG"

My buddy Tom is out there though... I did mention the blog on "Classmates" but, so far no one has visited I guess.. NO big deal... I enjoy the few minutes I put into this every once and awhile..

God Bless All..
