Saturday, May 02, 2009

Visitor to the ranch ( good sized bobcat - looks like a female ) wouldn't let me get too close, but I got close enough to get this shot of her..very pretty, love to have one for a pet !!!, but I don't think our Maine Coons would enjoy the company ... the other pic is a recent sunset. Sharon & I are heading out to Canon City today for the spring blossom festival. ( lots of entertainment & arts / crafts, etc.)

" RANT "

Joined recently... kinda fun... but, I notice that 90+ percent do not post recent photos of themselves... "whats with that ? " ..

The folks around "us" are like it was back in the fifties... God fearing, loyal, dedicated, have work, personal and professional ethics, believe in God, trust & have faith in their friends, watch out for them and their families & what their being exposed to, do not believe in abortions, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. and can be counted on when the going gets rough... and, Oh, yes, we "can" carry guns out here...I'm actually enjoying being 62 yr's old.... but I do fear for our children & grandchildren.... America's founders had a vision for us that is being trampled by the "left" ... God help us all.........I "do" thank God, every day for my life and the love of a wonderful women, as well as, for the talent I have been blessed with and hope it can make the lives of others more enjoyable, in some small way.. RANT OVER !!!!!

Meanwhile... back at the ranch... Life is good, love & charity abound and I love you all....

God Bless and keep you...
