Saturday, March 07, 2009

"Tools of the trade"

Looks like a snow storm & then some rain today... Probably spend a few hours "pickin & singin", and maybe some recording.... Sharon's doing up a pork roast with all the fixins today...Yep, I'm spoiled..but I deal with it the best I can.

Changing strings on all the "git-fiddles" today as well.... The HD-28 & J-200 are quick but the 12-strings take a while. Good day to to get all that done... though.

I'd like to record a version of "Very Last Day" by Peter, Paul & Mary today, and add some additional guitar parts / harmonies to it... just to see how it turns out. Used to do it with the Marsh Island Trio + 1 at The Univ. of Maine back in "66" . Jim, Leanne & Matt had a great version of it even before I joined the group & added another harmony & the 12-string to it.
Boy, those were some fun days.. ("innocent" days ) I look back now... I kinda feel sorry for the young kids of today.. growing-up so fast... their innocence lost so early in their lives...o.k - o.k. "old man ranting".. sorry..

Anyway.. you all have a wonderful weekend & God bless u-all
R.Harrison Emery